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After School Homework Program
Hope for Community Development’s After School Homework program helps newcomer black youth from grades 6 to 12 and their families in building self-confidence and school readiness for positive engagement in the education system. Our staff and volunteers work with program participants to put them on pathways to access post-secondary education.
​On the two days (Tues and Thurs) the program is running, participants must come prepared with their homework and assignments. Hope for Community Development intends to prepare participants for post secondary education and/or employment therefore, regular, punctual attendance for participants is required.
Note: All programs provide by Hope for Community Development are free of charge
Current Programming Times starting January 4, 2022:
· Tuesdays – Grades 6 – 8 (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
· Thursdays – Grades 9-12 (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm)

Academic Peer-to-peer Mentorship
Volunteers at Hope for Community Development engage with youth to put them on pathways to access post-secondary education through peer to peer mentoring and tutoring for academic success. This includes helping each other complete their assignments and homework, and teaching each other the necessary skills to develop resilience and problem-solving skills as they engage with the education system.
If you would like to know more about the after School Program, please call
(647) 7836613 or email hopeforcommunitydevelopment@gmail.com